Friday, May 27, 2016

Welcome To Leith (2015)

Released December 15th in the US.
The story : In North Dakota lives the itsy bitsy town of Leith.
So small is Leith that there is less that 100 people living there and the entire town extends for only three miles.
Everyone knows everyone in Leith and they really enjoy its wide open private spaces.
One day , a quiet older looking gentleman bought a home in Leith.
No one thought anything other than to be neighborly to the man and things went along as they always did.
Soon the towns people got word that the older gentleman had been purchasing many properties in Leith.
That in itself isn't unusual or anything to worry about for the people of Leith.
What they soon did find out about the man did worry them though and something fierce too.
Come to find out , the older gentleman is actually a highly publicized white supremacist with an agenda.
Directed by Michael Beach Nichols & Christopher K Walker
Not Rated

"No Nazis! No KKK! No fascist USA!"

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