Tuesday, August 12, 2014

After Tiller (2013)

Released September 20th in the US.
Filming location(s) unknown.
The story : In 2009 , third trimester abortion provider Doctor Tiller of Kansas was shot for a third time and killed during a service at his local church.
As third trimester abortions are much more controversial than the typical abortion , there are only a handful of doctors who provide them.
Coincidentally enough , those doctors all worked with Doctor Tiller.
The physicians Doctor Tiller left behind have made it their lives work to go on courageously practicing the way they believe they should , as third trimester abortions are only legal in certain states.
Basically if they stop practice , the third trimester abortion provider could be no more.
Here we learn about what assists the doctors to proceed with their profession. How they see what they are doing for the people they provide the service to and what it all , including working with Doctor Tiller has meant to them and continues to mean.
All with the constant threats of the pro-life extremists breathing down their necks.
Directed by Martha Shane & Lana Wilson
Not Rated

"Women are the worlds experts on their own lives."

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