Friday, November 1, 2013

Family Affair (2010)

Released January 7th in the US.
Filming location(s) unknown.
The story : Chico Colvard is a young man who believed he grew up in a pretty good home.
The only son to an African American dad and a German-Jewish mom. Chico also had his three sisters.
Chico's family moved from state to state as he was growing up , his dad was in the service.
One day , when Chico was just 10-years-old he was awkwardly influenced by a television program he was watching.
The next thing young Chico knew , he had just shot his sister....
As his sister lay in a hospital bed in sheer terror that she was going to die , she screamed to her sister to tell her mother...
But 'tell her mother' what?
What Chicos' sister was talking about , almost the whole family knew about. Pretty much everyone but Chico and his mom.
These days , as adults , Chico spends much time trying to understand what was going on behind the doors of the home he always thought was a charmed and loving one.
Directed by Chico Colvard

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