Friday, March 8, 2013

Sinister (2012)

Released October 12th in the US.
Filmed in New York and California.
The story: True crimes writer Ellison Oswalt makes a very large business decision involving his family, that he believes the pay off will be well worth.
It seems that instead of staying in the home they were living in, he has moved them all to a new home while he researches a murder.
What he doesn't tell his family, is that they are actually living at the home where the murders took place.
Almost from the start, his children begin acting strange.
Nevermind that he is led by strange sounds in the night to his attic, where he has found a box of super 8 movies, all depicting horrific things that no one wants to see.
Stars Ethan Hawke , Juliet Rylance , Fred Dalton Thompson , James Ransone , Michael Hall D'Addario , Clare Foley , Rob Riley , Tavis Smiley , Janet Zappala , Victoria Leigh , Vincent D'Onofrio , Cameron Ocasio , Ethan Haberfield , Danielle Kotch , Blake Mizrahi , Nicholas King
Directed by (& story partly written) Scott Derrickson
Rated R

"Thank you very much, Deputy, So and So."

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