Monday, September 13, 2010

Rear Window , Alfred Hitchcock's (1954)

Released August 1st in the US.
Filmed entirely in California.
The story: LB Jeffries is a photographer stuck at home in a wheelchair due to breaking his leg.
He has many hours to kill, as he never leaves his apartment.
During his many hours inside he is looking out his window, which looks onto all the backsides of his neighbors' apartments.
One of his neighbors' actions strikes Jeffries as very peculiar and he believes that quite possibly, a murder has taken place.
Stars James Stewart , Grace Kelly , Wendell Corey , Thelma Ritter , Raymond Burr , Irene Winston , Judith Evelyn , Ross Bagdasarian , Georgine Darcy , Jesslyn Fax , Rand Harper
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Rated PG

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